首页 > 师资队伍 > 副教授 > 张广伟






主要研究方向为静电薄膜电机的驱动原理、位置检测、控制理论、设计制造、及其在机器人领域的应用。首次提出了基于驱动电流的静电薄膜电机位置自检测理论;作为“东京大学-本田技研工业”联合研发团队的核心成员,领导开发了目前世界上最先进的基于静电薄膜电机多层结构的高性能人工肌肉(最大驱动力达到163.1 N,推力密度高达694 N/kg,处于世界领先水平)。共发表学术论文22篇,包括IEEE Transaction on Industrial ElectronicsIEEE/ASME Transaction on Mechatronics、International Journal of Mechanical Sciences、Sensors and Actuators A:Physical等国际知名期刊;多次在IEEE ISIE、IEEE ICIT等国际会议上作学术报告;申请和授权发明专利6项。






通讯地址:广东省深圳市光明安博体育66 中山大学理学园东518

学术主页http://scholar.google.com/citations?user=AjFZ0O0AAAAJ&hl=enGoogle Scholar



2015.10 - 2019.12东京大学(日本),博士

2009.09 - 2012.06中国石油大学(北京),硕士

2005.09 - 2009.07中国石油大学(华东),本科



2024.07 - 至今,中山大学,副教授

2023.07 - 2024.06,电子科技大学长三角研究院(湖州),副研究员

2020.01 - 2022.12,东京大学(日本),特任研究员



















[1] Masahiko Osada, Guangwei Zhang, Shunsuke Yoshimoto, Akio Yamamoto. Force Control Using Internal Spring in Electrostatic Linear Motors and Switching Between Position and Force Control, IEEE/ASME Transaction on Mechatronics, May. 2024. DOI: 10.1109/TMECH.2024.3399214

[2] Guangwei Zhang, Akio Yamamoto. Position Self-sensing for Electrostatic Motors under Amplitude-modulated AC Operation. IEEE Transaction on Industrial Electronics, 71(7), Aug. 2023, 6809-6818, DOI: 10.1109/TIE.2023.3306415.

[3] Tomoki Chada, Guangwei Zhang, Shunsuke Yoshimoto, Akio Yamamoto. Spatio-temporal measurement of one-dimensional surface potential distributions using a surface voltmeter and a slit plate, Measurement Science and Technology, 33(6), Jun. 2022, 095115. DOI: 10.1088/1361-6501/ac79a3. 

[4] Masahiko Osada, Guangwei Zhang, Fernando Carneiro, Masaaki Muromachi, Shunsuke Yoshimoto, Akio Yamamoto. Effect of insulating liquid viscosity on output force of a high-power synchronous electrostatic motor. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 220, Apr. 2022, 107149. DOI: org/10.1016/j.ijmecsci.

[5] Guangwei Zhang, Akio Yamamoto. Position estimation of synchronous electrostatic film motors under pulse-voltage by using driving currents. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 332(2), 113154, Dec. 2021. DOI10.1016/j.sna.2021.113154.

[6] Fernando Carneiro, Guangwei Zhang, Masahiko Osada, Shunsuke Yoshimoto, Akio Yamamoto. An Extended Model for Ripple Analysis of 2-4 phase Resonant Electrostatic Induction Motors. Actuators, 10(11), 291, Oct. 2021. DOI: 10.3390/act10110291.

[7] Guangwei Zhang, Akio Yamamoto. Sensorless displacement estimation for an electrostatic film motor using driving currents. International Journal of Applied electromagnetics and Mechanics, 60(2):247–261, May. 2019. DOI: 10.3233/JAE-180068. 

[8] Masahiko Osada, Guangwei Zhang, Shunsuke Yoshimoto, and Akio Yamamoto. 2-DOF Robot Arm with Variable Torque Limiters Realized by Electrostatic Film Motors. In 2023 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) , Detroit, America, Oct. 2023.

[9] Guangwei Zhang, Masahiko Osada, Shunsuke Yoshimoto, and Akio Yamamoto. A High Performance Muscle-like Actuator using Multi-layer Electrostatic Film Motors. In 2022 IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE), Anchorage, America, Jun. 2022.

[10] Carneiro, Fernando, Masahiko Osada, Guangwei Zhang, Shunsuke Yoshimoto, and Akio Yamamoto. Achieving Resonance with Piezoelectric Transducers on 2–4 Phase Resonant Electrostatic Induction Motors. In 2021 IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics (ICM), pp. 1-6. Mar. 30, 2021.

[11] Osada, Masahiko, Fernando Carneiro, Guangwei Zhang, Shunsuke Yoshimoto, and Akio Yamamoto. Effect of insulating liquid on thrust force of a synchronous electrostatic film actuator. In 2021 IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics (ICM), pp. 1-6. Mar. 30, 2021.

[12] Guangwei Zhang, Masahiko Osada, Shunsuke Yoshimoto, and Akio Yamamoto, Performance Comparison of Electrostatic Film Motors with Different Surface Treatments to Reduce Friction, Proceedings of the 4th Jc-IFToMM International Symposium, pp. 32-37, 2021.

[13] Guangwei Zhang, Masahiko Osada, Fernando Carneiro, Shunsuke Yoshimoto, and Akio Yamamoto. Study on Performance of an Electrostatic Film Motor in Vaporized Fluorinert FC-770. In the 38th Annual Conference of the Robotics Society of Japan, pp. 32-37, 2020.

[14] Carneiro, Fernando, Masahiko Osada, Guangwei Zhang, Shunsuke Yoshimoto, and Akio Yamamoto. Increasing Thrust Force on 2-4 Phase Resonant Electrostatic Induction Motors Through Stacking. In IECON 2020 The 46th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, pp. 712-717. IEEE, Oct. 2020.

[15] Guangwei Zhang, Akio Yamamoto. Comparative analysis for sensorless displacement estimation of electrostatic film motors in different motor configurations. In 2019 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT), pages 237242, Melbourne, Australia, Feb. 2019.

[16] Guangwei Zhang, Akio Yamamoto. Toward self-sensing of an electrostatic film motor using driving currents. In 2018 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT), pages 551–556, France, Feb. 2018.

[17] 張広偉,山本晃生. パルス駆動静電フィルムモータにおける駆動電流からのスライダ位置推定手法の実験的検証, 精密工学会2019年度春季大会講演論文集, 東京, 2019.

[18] Guangwei Zhang, Akio Yamamoto. Slider position monitoring of an electrostatic film motor during pulse-voltage operation. In The 36th Annual Conference of the Robotics Society of Japan, pages 2p1–06, Kasuga, Japan, 2018.

[19] 張広偉,山本晃生. 静電吸着による静電フィルムモータシステム耐故障性向上に関する検討. 精密工学会2016年度春季大会講演論文集, 東京, 2016.




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[3] 一种静电薄膜电机直接驱动的仿生扑翼飞行器(专利号:CN117429611A)

[4] 一种基于空间信息约束的数据驱动预测方法、系统(专利号:CN117236503A)

[5] 套管损伤强磁记忆检测装置(专利号:CN102004128A)

[6] 测井仪器强磁记忆传感器支架(专利号:CN102094629A)




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